Sunday, January 27, 2008

why i hate gurgaon.

it's not because of the distance. it's because, unlike life, gurgaon is so well planned. the buildings are all similar. and have been sliced with the same precision. first the knife went horizontally. kach-kach-kach. perfect, the floors are ready. now the cabins. again went the knife. this time vertically. over time, the builder has practised it to such an exent that he can go about it blind-folded. so every building looks similar to the one you have just passed by.
the tiring long drives often reminds me of my father's wish. the road should function on the same technique as the escalators. you just sit in your car, and the road keeps running. and what if my mood can be altered by changing the electricity in my nerves. can i be programmed to be happy always. and successful too. well, is the former mutually exclusive of the latter?

isn't it funny, where we start and where we end up?


Anonymous said...

Thought are very well expressed in your drafts!

divya said...

Beg to differ. I have seen the most strnge shaped bulidings in Gurgaon. Hav even devised names for them. The Ship-shaped one, the triangle top, etc

M said...

Not only are the buildings strange but the people are too. Weird buildings and weird people and here weird is not the good weird but the bad weird; if you weird what i mean or mean what i weird whichever comes first.

I Hate Gurgaon. Hey, maybe i can print shirts with that and all BPO guys can wear it. Hmmmm....