Monday, May 12, 2008

give up on eating?

how thin she has become. have you seen Kareena Kapoor in her latest movie? she looks as thin as a reed. suddenly her cheek bones are so much more prominent and the pout always posing. since i have seen her on screen and also her effect on vikas i am considering size zero seriously. fuelled by people around me i started mulling over the option of working out. gym. thats the answer to all my problems.

but then, it's her job to look thin. like it's my job to write. so i have to be extra cautious even while smsing. (now, is that a word?). anyway, so she is just doing her job, which is fine and i dont have to be bothered because someone somewhere is doing a good job.

i had brownie with ice cream and chocolate sauce for lunch today.


machu.picchu said...

d last line showed your unwavering belief in food.

M said...

Well said! In fact if you see her off-screen she looks makes the wicked witch look like Mary Poppins.

P.S. She's not size zero. And size zero makes women look like starved mongrels.

Volumtous women will always rule

(This is a purely subjective opinion and the writer should not be hel accountable for it)