Monday, March 3, 2008

i think i should eat something

now i am bored.wish the curtains, here's when naren walks in. i talk to him for a minute and as he returns i turn back to writing. curtains i wrote? i don't know why i wrote that. i wasnt thinking of curtains. or was i? if i lift the curtains it's rohit this time, let's share the ideas. after a visit to my boss' room i am back to the blog. curtains? thats where we were. i have yellow curtains at my home. curtains are a funny concept. i mean, you want to block out the outside world, but not totally. it's like dilly-dallying between a yes and a no. not sure which way you want to go. my lense is irritating me, things around are appearing clouded. the lense is working like a curtain.

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