Monday, January 28, 2008

bird spotting

our school bus dropped us at some distance from home. it would take us around 15 minute to walk home. on the way there was a spot where a few colony boys used to hang around waiting for us. a harmless wolf whistle or the recital of a current song was the most we witnessed. there were almost 9-10 girls who used to take the bus from our stop. these guys eyed i dont know whom in particular. i still remember the face of two of the boys . one was from an Anglo Indian family. the only Anglo Indians i have ever known. and they were quite a celebrity in patna, everyone knew them. rumour has it that the mother and the eldest daughter of the family committed suicide together. all because the daughter couldnt find a match though she had crossed her marriageable age. how much of it is true i dont know. but i never heard any other rumour contrary to it.

anyways, one particular day when we were walking back home something quite unexpected happenned. i must have been in 5th or 6th standard. i was walking with two of my friends, and a senior, a 12 grade student, was walking some 25-30 ft ahead of us. as we crossed the afore-mentioned spot, i guess the boys said something. our senior turned to retort. the Anglo Indian walked to the senior and replied backed. she slapped him. he slapped her back and turned to leave. she caught hold of his head by his hair. a scuffle followed, but the guy managed to escape with scratches on his face. our senior was left daring him to come and face her. with her hair pulled out of plait.
miraculously it so happened that as we took the next turn in the road we spotted a police patrol van. our senior went and reported to them. all this while we just stood in the background. that particular day she was the only one amongst the seniors. we couldnt do much to help her, except be there.
next day we got to know that the police had booked a case against him. and the same evening the Anglo Indian, along with his father and the beat police officer, made a visit to our senior's home to apologise. so that she would withdraw the case.

after completing my school, i moved out of patna. years later, after i had completed my graduation and PG, i was home visiting . it so happened that i crossed passed the spot. young girls of my alma mater were walking home, looking smart in the red pleated skirt. and what do i see, the anglo indian is still sitting at the spot with one of his old time friends. some habits are difficult to shed, i guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must have been fun watching them...reminds me of such similar instances when in school..Hilarious though but if I figured that bunch near our school still...would certainly applaud them for their tenacity!